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« Hierarchies »

Quand :
28 janvier 2021 – 29 janvier 2021 Jour entier
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En ligne.
Pour vous inscrire: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7AxCli3BEdSYeWHBhgCxpqFGmnY1guypEPuUZWdc1tcuDtQ/viewform?gxids=7628
Hierarchies are pervasive. They structure our economic organizations, political institutions, and overall social relations. We find hierarchies at work, in our political systems, in our relation with non-human groups, even within the family. In a less explicit way, hierarchies also tend to shape the very way we interact with each other.


The concept of hierarchy also plays a central, if often implicit, role in many works of social and political philosophy. Despite this, the concept itself remains largely under-theorized. This conference will bring together scholars from various areas of social and political philosophy to discuss, among other things, the relevance or inescapability of hierarchies, their grounds, rationale, and structural effects, their justifiability, and the conditions, if any, under which just or non-dominating hierarchies may occur.


We aim to include a range of perspectives on the normative significance of hierarchy across social, institutional and political contexts, such as: division of labour and organization of work; systems of meritocracy; hierarchies of race/class/gender/species; stereotyping; political power/authority.


The conference will take place by videoconference, over two half-days. We plan for each panel to have pre-circulated papers. We expect participants to have read the papers in advance. To take part in the workshop please fill in this form.


Jan 28 Jan 29
8:15-8:30 Welcome & Introductions 8:30-9:30

Chair: Denise Celentano


Daniel Bell (Tsingua University) & Wang Pei (Fudan University), « Just Hierarchy between Humans and Animals”

Discussant: Daniel Weinstock


Chair: Juliette Roussin


Pablo Gilabert (Concordia University), « Domination and Dignity”

Discussant: Éliot Litalien


Chair: Juliette Roussin

Han van Wietmarschen (University College London), « What is Social Hierarchy?”

Discussant: Aberdeen Berry


Chair: Denise Celentano


Teresa Bejan (Oxford University), « Equality Before Egalitarianism”

Discussant: Ben Woodfinden

10:35-11 BREAK 10:35-11 BREAK

Chair: Arash Abizadeh


Lisa Herzog (University of Groeningen), « What, if anything, can justify limiting workers’ voice?”

Discussant: Peter Dietsch


Chair: Ryoa Chung


Meena Krishnamurthy (Queen’s University), « B.R. Ambedkar on “Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development”

Discussant: Naïma Hamrouni



Chair: Arash Abizadeh

Niko Kolodny (UC Berkeley), « The Pecking Order: Social Hierarchy as a Philosophical Problem”

Discussant: Natalie Stoljar


Chair: Ryoa Chung


Elena Ziliotti (Delft University of Technology), « Calling Things by their Name: An Inquiry into the meaning of Meritocracy, Hierarchy, and Democracy”

Discussant: Marc Kevin Daoust