
Daniel Marc Weinstock

Professor at MgGill University (Faculty of Law), Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Political Philosophy and Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy

Postes occupés

2019-2020 à 2022-2023 Direction d'axe,
2019-2020 à aujourd'hui Co-chercheur-se,
2013-2014 à 2019-2020 Co-chercheur-se,
2003-2004 à 2004-2005 Direction du CRÉUM
2005-2006 Co-chercheur-se,
2006-2007 à 2010-2011 Direction du CRÉUM
2006-2007 Direction du CRÉUM,
2007-2008 à 2010-2011 Direction d'axe,
2011-2012 Co-chercheur-se,

Thèmes Phares


He is a professor at McGill University (Faculty of Law) and holds the Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Political Philosophy and the Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy. He founded the Centre de recherche en éthique de l’Université de Montréal (CRÉUM), which he directed for several years. His research interests include governance in a number of types of liberal democracies, including ethical diversity, but also religious and cultural diversity, political philosophy, and the ethics of public policy.

