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The theoretical and practical relevance of feminist perspectives in international relations studies

Quand :
27 avril 2022 @ 10:30 – 12:00
Où :
Mode hybride. Salle C-1017-02 Carrefour des arts et des sciences et Zoom.
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx 3150
rue Jean-Brillant Montréal (Québec) H3T 1N8

Échange sur les perspectives féministes en relations internationales entre Toni Haastrup (U. of Stirling) and Maïka Sondarjee (U. Ottawa), co-organisé par le CÉRIUM et le CRÉ.

Mode hybride: Salle C-1017-02 du Carrefour des arts et des sciences et par Zoom.

Co-organisé par le CRÉ, le CÉRIUM, le Réseau Perspectives Féministes et le Centre Jean Monnet.


Maïka Sondarjee is an assistant professor at the School of International Development and Global Studies, at the University of Ottawa. She was previously a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow in political science at the University of Montreal. Her first book, Perdre le Sud. Décoloniser la solidarité internationale (2020), addresses systemic sexism, colonialism, and inequalities in North-South relations. She is a regular contributor for the newspaper Le Devoir, as well as a Board member of the NGO Alternatives and the Canadian Task Force on Anti-racism in the international cooperation sector.

Toni Haastrup joined the University of Stirling in July 2019 as Senior Lecturer in International Politics. Her research broadly explores the nature of global power hierarchies (between the Global North and South) in knowledge and practice. Dr. Haastrup published her monograph, Charting Transformation through Security: Contemporary-EU Africa Relations (Palgrave, 2013) and published in several leading international journals including Journal of European Integration, Journal of Common Market Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Feminist Journal of Politics, International Negotiation, among many others. She is an occasional media commentator on topics including the African Union, EU relations with Africa; feminists foreign policy; Brexit, and the women, peace and security agenda.