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Dr. Michael Titelbaum (Winsconsin-Madison)

Quand :
27 septembre 2019 @ 10:00 – 12:00
Où :
Salle 422, Stone Castle, UdeM
2910 Édouard-Montpetit

Dans le cadre des Ateliers du GRIN, on reçoit Dr. Michael Titelbaum (Winsconsin-Madison), qui offrira une présentation intitulée The Logical Firmament


Most work in the epistemology of logic asks how inferential rules are known, and how individual steps in a proof are justified.  But what happens when single steps are composed into a complex derivation?  A new set of facts—“combinational facts”—come into play, which have been undertheorized despite being at the heart of such phenomena as logical non-omniscience.  I will ask how recognition of these facts might alter our epistemology of logic.  And I will make a tentative proposal for how combinational facts come to be known.