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Philosophical Foundations of Education

Coffret en 6 volumes intitulé Foundational Education, à paraître chez Bloomfield en décembre 2022. 1 728 pages.

Co-édité par Bruce Maxwell (University of Montreal) and Lauren Bialystok (University of Toronto).

The first reference work to provide an authoritative state-of-the-field mapping of the foundational disciplines of education. With six volumes spanning ideas, methods, theories and approaches across the disciplines, this definitive reference work comprises: Philosophical Foundations of Education (Volume 1) Historical Foundations of Education (Volume 2) Sociological Foundations of Education (Volume 3) Policy Foundations of Education (Volume 4) Economic Foundations of Education (Volume 5) Legal Foundations of Education (Volume 6) Each volume covers the same set of key topics within education which also form the chapter titles: Mapping the Field, Purposes of Education, Curriculum, Schools and Education Systems, Learning and Human Development, Teaching and Teacher Education, Assessment and Evaluation. This structure allows readers to study the volumes in isolation, by discipline, or laterally by topic, allowing for comparative, thematic readings of chapters across the volumes. In the series, particular attention is paid to how the disciplines comprising the educational foundations speak to social justice concerns such as gender and racial equality.