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Strangers in Our Midst: the political philosophy of immigration

Book Symposium on David Miller, Strangers in Our Midst: the political philosophy of immigration, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

Institute for Philosophy, Hamburg University
March 18th, 2016, 09:30-16:30
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1

Organizers: Thomas Schramme, Christine Straehle

Registration: The workshop is open to everyone, but attendance is by registration and limited in number. RSVP by sending an email tomillerworkshopHH@gmail.com

Format: Upon registration, participants will receive the manuscript. To maximize the quality of discussion, participants are expected to have read themanuscript beforehand. The workshop comprises four sessions dedicated to the manuscript. Each session will begin with brief critiques of chapters of the manuscript, followed by a brief response by the author and general discussion.