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The Ethical Principles of Medical Assistance in Dying

Ryoa Chung‘s segment on the radio show ‘Moteur de recherche,’ titled ‘Les principes éthiques de l’aide médicale à mourir‘.

In June 2016, the Canadian Parliament passed a federal law allowing eligible adults to request medical assistance in dying. Ryoa Chung, a full professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Montreal, explains the ethical reasons that led to the implementation of this right and describes the landmark cases in the country that have evolved mentalities regarding this extremely delicate issue.

‘We are going to consider that the right to die with dignity is a fundamental and inextricable dimension of the right to life.’— A quote from Ryoa Chung, full professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Montreal

There are new controversies today regarding certain amendments made to medical assistance in dying, Ryoa Chung mentions at the end of the interview.

PHOTO: Getty Images / LPETTET