« Naviguer les complexités de la recherche sur le racisme » – Gina Lafortune (UQÀM)
The Canada Research Chair in Epistemic Injustice and Agency hosts an online lecture series, featuring scholars who are under-represented in philosophy and academia and/or who work on issues related to minoritized groups. The sessions will be held online on Zoom.
The lectures are open to everyone, regardless of affiliation with the Department, discipline, or level of academic training.
The next session of the Epistemic Justice Webinar will take place on Friday, February 16, 12-1 p.m., on Zoom.
We will be pleased to welcome Professor Gina Lafortune (UQÀM) for a lecture entitled “Naviguer les complexités de la recherche sur le racisme”.
Zoom details and registration: here
Hoping to see you all there!