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Ryoa Chung

Professor at the Department of Philosophy at the Université de Montréal

Positions held

2003-2004 to 2018-2019 Co-researcher(s),
2019-2020 to today Co-researcher(s),
2021-2022 to today CRÉ co-direction
2023-2024 to today Axis direction,


Ryoa Chung is Co-Director of the Centre de Recherche en Éthique/Center for Research in Ethics (CRE) with K. Voigt (McGill) and Professor at the Department of Philosophy at the Université de Montréal. Prof. Chung is the recipient of the 2005 FAS Excellence in Teaching Award (Arts and Humanities Sector). Holder of a doctoral internship diploma as a foreign scientific resident at the École Normale Supérieure de Fontenay/St-Cloud (Paris, 1997), she completed her doctorate in philosophy at the Université de Montréal (2001) under the supervision of Daniel M. Weinstock and completed two research stays as a visiting scholar at Columbia University (2002) and the Harvard School of Public Health (2003).

Her articles have appeared in journals  such as Journal of Social Philosophy, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Public Health Ethics, Revue internationale de sociologie, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Medicine, Conflict and Survival (2017)  as well as in collective works such as Questions d’éthique contemporaine   (edited by L. Thiaw-Po-Une, Stock, 2006),   and Bioethics in Canada (co-edited by C. Weijer, A. Skelton and S. Brennan, Oxford University Press, 2013). Ryoa Chung is also the author of the entries ‘Soft Power’ and ‘Domination’ in the Global Justice Encyclopedia (edited by D. Chatterjee, Springer, 2012). She is also the author of the entries ‘Epistemic Injustices’ and ‘Health Inequalities’ in the Dictionary of Inequalities and Social Justice (edited by P. Savidan, Presses universitaires de France, 2018).

With Matthew R. Hunt, she co-authored the chapter ‘Justice and Health Inequalities in Humanitarian Crises. Structured Health Vulnerabilities and Natural Disasters’  in Health Inequalities and Global Justice (P. T. Lenard and C. Straehle  co-eds, Edinburgh University Press, 2012) and published papers with co-authors L. Eckenwiler and C. Straehle  in Bioethics, with co-authors M. Johri, A. Dawson, T. Schrecker in Globalization and Health. She has also published in collaboration with Hunt, Durocher, Henrys, Rochon in the Journal of Medical Ethics (2017) and Journal of Human Rights Practice (2016). Ryoa Chung co-edited with Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer the book Éthique des relations internationales (Presses universitaires de France, 2013). Several accepted articles are to be published in 2019-2020. With Dr. Joanne Liu, former international president of Médecins Sans Frontières, Chung co-published an essay in Hastings Center Bioethics Forum. Together with members of an international research group funded by the Wellcome Trust, Ahmed, Chung, Eckenwiler and co. co-authored a paper published in The Lancet (2020). With L. Eckenwiler, N. Berlinger, R. Chung, A. Gotlib, V. Wild, D. Zion, she co-edited a collective work Forced Migration and Health Justice under contract for Oxford University Press.

Since 2017, R. Chung has been a regular contributor to “Les Éclaireurs”, “Plus on Lit” and “Moteur de recherche” on Radio-Canada Ici Première and discusses social issues from the perspective of public ethics. She has given academic presentations in Canada, the United States, Haiti, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany, India, Cameroon, Denmark, and Greece.

Chung is currently working on structural and epistemic injustices to better understand the production and perpetuation of health inequalities. She is also working on the notion of ‘structural health vulnerability’ (developed with M. Hunt, McGill) in relation to the refugee situation. She is currently a member of international research teams funded by the Quebec Population Health Network and the British Wellcome Trust Foundation (2018-2019). Her work was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (research team 2011-2016) and is currently funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada SSHRC/Insight Development – Principal Investigator Research Team (2018-2022) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada SSHRC/Insight – Individual Project (2018-2023).