Mihaela Mihai

Positions held

2009-2010 Postdoctoral researcher(s),


Mihaela Mihai is now a senior researcher at the Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). She holds a doctorate in Political Theory from the University of Toronto, Canada and a Master’s degree in Government from the University of Manchester, the UK. Her main areas of interest are contemporary political and legal theory, history of political thought, and comparative legal studies. A book manuscript examining the role of emotions within dramatic moments of political transformation is currently under review with CUP. She is also preparing an edited book on public apologies for a new series on Transitional Justice with Palgrave. Her recent work was published in Ratio Juris, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Philosophy Compass. Mihaela’s paper “When the State Says ‘Sorry’: State Apologies as Exemplary Political Judgments” is forthcoming in Journal of Political Philosophy.