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Gabriel Monette

Positions held

2023-2024 to today Associate researcher(s),


Lecturer in business ethics at HEC Montréal and teacher at Cégep André-Laurendeau, Gabriel Monette is also a postdoctoral researcher at the Alphonse-et-Dorimène-Desjardins International Institute of Cooperatives under the direction of Rafael Ziegler. His thesis, directed by Christian Nadeau, explores republican corporate governance, with an emphasis on freedom as non-domination and active stakeholder participation.

His research focuses on social, political and governance innovations in economic organizations, using case studies to demonstrate how republican principles can be integrated into the governance structure of businesses. His collaboration with international researchers and institutions enriches the dialogue on corporate governance reform, with a particular focus on practical applications of neo-republican theory. His publications and presentations on this topic demonstrate his commitment to advancing this innovative approach.
