
Ernest-Marie Mbonda

Positions held

2023-2024 to today Co-researcher(s),
2020-2021 to 2022-2023 Collaborator(s),
2012-2013 Invited researcher(s),
2013-2014 to today Associate researcher(s),
2013-2014 Associate researcher(s),


I am a professor of philosophy at the Catholic University of Central Africa (Yaoundé, Cameroon) and an associate professor at the University of Moncton, the University of Quebec at Rimouski, and the University of Quebec in Montreal, specializing in ethics, political and legal philosophy, decolonial theories, and African philosophy. After earning my doctorate from the University of Paris-IV Sorbonne in October 2000 with a thesis on Rawlsian theory of justice, I completed two postdoctoral research stays as a fellow of the Agence universitaire de la francophonie at the UNESCO Chair in Studies of the Foundations of Justice and Democratic Society at the University of Quebec in Montreal in 2002 (7 months) and in 2004 (3 months). From September 2011 to January 2012, I was a Resident Researcher at the Collegium de Lyon, thanks to a scholarship from the Institute for Advanced Studies (France). And from September 2012 to August 2013, I stayed at the CER as a visiting researcher.

In terms of research, I am interested in issues of social and political justice, economic justice, global justice, and ethnocultural justice, while being attentive to the evolution of philosophical debates on these issues and to how they address (or could address) concrete situations in Africa and elsewhere. I am also interested in decolonial theories, the role of local knowledge in contemporary ethical thought, and African philosophy.