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Andrée-Anne Cormier

Associate Professor of Ethics at the École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP) in Montréal.

Positions held

2015-2016 Postdoctoral researcher(s),
2013-2014 to 2014-2015 Student(s),
2014-2015 Graduate fellow(s),
2020-2021 to 2023-2024 Collaborator(s),
2023-2024 to today Co-researcher(s),

Participation in CRÉ events

27 June 2024 8th Montreal Social Justice Theory Workshop


I am an Associate Professor of Ethics at the École nationale d’administration publique (ÉNAP) in Montréal—a standalone Graduate School of Public Administration that is part of the Université du Québec system. Before joining ÉNAP in 2024, I was an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at York University, Glendon Campus, in Toronto, where I taught ethics, philosophy of law and political philosophy in the interdisciplinary certificate program in law and social thought.

I hold a PhD in political philosophy from the Université de Montréal, supervised by Daniel Weinstock, and am a former recipient of the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, the Fulbright Canada-U.S. Student Award, and a member of the 2013-2014 Spencer Foundation Philosophy of Education Graduate Institute. During my doctoral studies, I also worked under the supervision of Meira Levinson at Harvard University, where I have been a visiting graduate fellow and member of the Justice in Schools project. I completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Law Department at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, where I was part of the Family Justice research project team led by Serena Olsaretti and funded by the European Research Council. I have also been a Hoover Fellow at the Chaire Hoover d’éthique économique et sociale at UCLouvain in Belgium and a postdoctoral fellow at the CRÉ.

My work focuses primarily on issues of liberal-egalitarian justice and political legitimacy pertaining to education, childhood and the family, public health, relational goods and interpersonal relationships, particularly in connection with the rising problems of loneliness and social isolation. I received a grant from the Center for Ethics and Education in the US and an Insight Grant from the SSHRC for my main ongoing research project The Ethics and Politics of Interpersonal Relationships. More broadly, I am interested in the aims and future of education and in various issues regarding teaching and learning. I earned a certificate in teaching practices in higher education from York University and have been a consultant for Glendon’s G21 project—a program supported by an Academic Innovation Fund aimed at developing and cultivating new learning styles.

Page institutionnelle: https://enap.ca/a-propos/bottin/andree-anne-cormier-professeure-agregee

For more information about my research, see: https://www.demographyethicsandpublicpolicy.org/posts/featured-profile-andree-anne-cormier