Search results: Dupras

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Charles Dupras

Professeur adjoint, École de santé publique, Université de Montréal

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Junior Thierry Tatsi Tsifo

Junior Thierry Tatsi Tsifo is a contract philosophy teacher at a high school and a doctoral candidate in philosophy of law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, within the ISJPS (Institute of Legal and Philosophical Sciences of the Sorbonne) (UMR 8103), under the supervision of Professor Pierre-Yves Quiviger. After completing a bachelor’s degree in […]

Path of former postdoctoral fellows

A fellowship at the CRÉUM/CRÉ seems to count for a lot in obtaining a job afterwards. Several of our postdoctoral fellows have indeed obtained a professorship or the equivalent following their time at the CRÉUM/CRÉ. Didier Zúñiga (postdoc 2022-2023) Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Alberta Lila Braunschweig (postdoc […]