Search results: Daniel Marc Weinstock


Daniel Marc Weinstock

Professor at MgGill University (Faculty of Law), Canada Research Chair in Ethics and Political Philosophy and Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy

Marc Zaffran

Chercheur invité (2009-2010) pour un projet portant sur la transmission des valeurs éthiques en médecine. Né en 1955 à Alger (Algérie), et médecin de formation, il a exercé en France comme médecin de famille en milieu rural (1982-1993) et en milieu hospitalier (1983-2008). À partir de 1987, il s’est mis à publier sous le pseudonyme […]


Marc-Antoine Dilhac

Professeur adjoint en éthique et philosophie politique, Université de Montréal. Titulaire de la Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Éthique publique et théorie politique. Co-directeur de l’axe Éthique et politique du CRÉ.

Contact: marc-antoine.dilhac [at]


The mission of the Ethics and Health axis is to study the socio-ethical and political implications of the policies and practices of public health services and healthcare systems. More specifically, it examines issues related to the Quebec and Canadian healthcare systems, such as resource allocation and social justice, or the ethical evaluation of new healthcare […]


The research carried out within this axis is structured around the evaluation of justice and the legitimacy of social institutions, understood as sets of rules allowing cooperation between individuals, at the national and international levels. The work consists of: (a) examining the founding concepts and arguments of contemporary political discourse and practice (freedom, equality, tolerance, […]


Environmental ethical issues are unavoidable in the current context of climate change and accelerated disappearance of wildlife. First, there is the question of our responsibility to preserve biodiversity and the environment for the benefit of future human generations, as well as that of equity in the access of individuals or groups to various natural resources. […]


Les Ateliers de l’éthique/The Ethics Forum, vol. 1 no 2

Le numéro d’automne 2006 des Ateliers de l’éthique propose les actes du colloque international: Le développement durable a-t-il un avenir ?, avec un préface de Dominique Voynet et une introduction de Daniel M. Weinstock.

The 2006 fall issue of The Ethics Forum offers the proceedings of the international conference The Future of Sustainability, with a Foreword by Dominique Voynet and an Introduction by Daniel M. Weinstock.

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Tom Parr (University of Warwick)

Lecture organized by Daniel Weinstock, Katharine A. Pearson Chair in Civil Society and Public Policy, Department of philosophy colloquium, McGill University: “Gender Pay Gaps.”