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Michael Cholbi (Université d’Édimbourg)

Quand :
6 janvier 2023 @ 12:00 – 13:30
Où :
Salle 309, CRÉ, mode hybride
2910 Édouard-Montpetit

Les membres du CRÉ sont heureux.ses d’accueillir Michael Cholbi (Université d’Édimbourg) pour une présentation intitulée “Voting and duties to self”.

Pour y participer par Zoom, c’est ici.


A number of philosophers are normative skeptics about voting, denying both that we have a moral duty to vote and that voting is prudentially rational. Here I explore whether such skepticism can be rebutted (or at least sidestepped) by recasting voting as a self-regarding moral concern. The thesis that we have a duty to ourselves to vote is supported by a broadly Kantian argument resting on the duty to secure for ourselves the conditions of our external freedom. That the duty to vote is a duty to oneself also explains several phenomenological features of voting and accounts for plausible ethical claims about mandated voting, the importance of being an informed voter, and the conditions for enfranchisement.

Organisé par Denise Celentano.